Therapy for Goober grief

2012-05-06 Thread jgrit1
I know we are all hurting hearing the news of everyone's friend George Lindsey. For me the perfect therapy is watching the episode Goober takes a car apart. I may also watch Mans best friend He Is so good with his supposed talking dog. Keep up the good work Ken. You are funny and also a

Mr. Scwamp's words

2012-04-21 Thread jgrit1
He would say. C c c could someone P p p please teach me how to play ch ch checkers and then let me s s sit in the big ch ch chair and have Floyd pr pr pretend to c c cut my hair? I just want to f f fi fit in The untrained voice Sgt at Arms--Scwhamp fan Club and Hair loss support group

Modern TV repeats a Barney Fife Staple Phrase

2012-04-06 Thread jgrit1
Modern TV repeats a Barney Fife staple phrase There is a Top-rated show on television called The Big Bang Theory Setting aside the fact that most shows today don't follow the morals of the Andy Griffith Show, I like watching this one. The Two main charactars are named after the great Producer

Deputy replacement

2012-03-20 Thread jgrit1
Somewher is the recent discussion of a new Deputy, I have not seen Jerry Van Dyke mentioned. As I recall Jerry turned down a recurring role on TAGS to star in his own show, My Mother the Car, that turned out to be a dud..and I understand he later regreted teh choice. He did play in a couple

Barber Poles and one thing and then another

2012-03-15 Thread jgrit1
I had a what would Floyd think moment this morning when I read my local paper take a look You don't see much talk about Barber Poles, but this is a doosey. What do you think Floyd would say? I'm having Email problems with the

names to the list

2011-09-21 Thread jgrit1
Barney once called Helen a dame which upset Andy. However Andy once referred to her as a third party which (although not dirty) upset both Helen and Thelma Lou. Kim - TX Thanks Kim, those are good!. I'll add them to the list of shame..also I guess we would have to Add Child, because Andy said


2011-09-18 Thread jgrit1
INTERLOPER CAN BE ADDED TO OUR NAME CALLING LIST We have Boob, Squirt, Nut, Nutsy, Chicken Coop Casanova, Daddy Long Legs, Screw, that Kid of yours, Creature, Puddintame,Englishter, Big Ears ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

more on names

2011-09-16 Thread jgrit1
That little rant by Barney made we wonder how many other times, he resorted to name-calling. There is of course Citizen's Arrest when he referred to Gomer as this boob here. When he tried Real Estate, he gave the look that could kill when he cam back into the house and the next day refered

Shades of Mrs. Mendlebright--and other exclamations name calling

2011-09-12 Thread jgrit1
I was reading the newspaper this weekend, and a headline caught my eye. Bulbs disappearing.. I immediately thought of Barney in his fit of rage exclaiming Snoop, Snoop, Bulb-snatcher! This wasn't about leaving the light on all night, it was about the incadescent bulb being phased out.

more name calling--Barney

2011-09-12 Thread jgrit1
In Citizens arrest, as a prisoner..I think Barney Called Andy Screw a derogatory term for jailer then there is also the quick and the dead..but those are adjectives, not names. The Untrained Voice Just call me Puddintame--Don't call me a boob, or a snoop

My Digest

2011-09-01 Thread jgrit1
I'm going to wade into the current discussion without hopefully appearing to take a side. By human nature, we all have preferences of how we want to see things, like My Church, or My Newspaper, or My local government. To a small degree we also have an image of what My Digest should look

Stoner/Mayberrians in the news

2011-08-29 Thread jgrit1
Here in central Indiana, we've been seeing headlines like. Stoner in Lead.. Stoner out Front..and finally Stoner wins. No,its not an election. It was a motocycle race. A young fella named Stoner S_T_O_N_E_R dominated the weekend and won. I don't if he is any kin of Roy, as he hails from

Ron Howard Film Comments

2011-08-22 Thread jgrit1
I was able to Watch Ron Howard's recent movie, The Dilemma. As Howard films go, I woudn't rate it as one of the best, but the appearance of his brother Clint and his father Rance are delightful. Most know that Ron always tries to put his family memebers in his movies, and this one is no

Ron Howard Story

2011-08-06 Thread jgrit1
I was watching Dave Letterman last night, and his guest was Tom Hanks. Hanks was promoting a current movie (Larry Crowne) but got into a discussion with Dave about Ron Howard, the Opie Producer that he has great respect for and has worked with many times. He talked about back in the day when

1990 appearance of TAGs Guest stars

2011-07-18 Thread jgrit1
I recently came across on Netflix the movie “Return to Green Acres”. (sound familiar?). It was made in 1990 and features TAGS Veterans (and Green Acres regulars) Alvy Moore (the salesman who helped Aunt Bee with Evie Joy) Frank Cady (Prisoner and New Photographer) and Mary Grace Canfield

annoucing new web page orf Mayberry info

2011-07-18 Thread jgrit1
Hey I've got some exciting news about one of our Mayberry Websites!! .. the Mayberry Historical society You know what it is.. Its BIG! Of course I am a fan of Background Actors. I’ve worked with Allan to enhance the Mr. Schwamp

Andy--a morning person??? and corrections

2011-07-11 Thread jgrit1
I caught one of my favorite color episodes this week (yes I like the color ones..I don’t think TAGS “jumped the shark” when Don Knotts left) on TVland. It was the one where Opie was learning to play piano, and also play football. Once Andy learns from a former pro football player, Flip

clarifying question

2011-07-08 Thread jgrit1
Thanks Pam for that list of Alcatraz movies. It sounds like most of them from the pre-TAGS era were not about the prison, so Barney must have heard about it from newspapers and magazines. No wonder you couldn't understand the question. I'm going to have to get Gloria to do my typing for

Barney's inspirations

2011-07-07 Thread jgrit1
I've been gone for a few weeks and its good to get back. reviewing the sentimental moments never gets matter how many times we've done it. A few weeks back I told you of my Visit to Alcatraz, and how that was the likely inspiration to Barney's description of the Mayberry Jail as the

hnipping a Moulage in teh Bud

2011-06-14 Thread jgrit1
ok I'm going to say this as politley as I can to keep Orville from gettin in a big moulage of cracked Eggs. The is the Andy Griffith Rerun Watchers Club, Who's Been Messin up the Bulletin Board Chapter IT is not the TV Land Fan Club or the TVLand Censors Club. TVLand is an independant

Shades of Andy

2011-06-13 Thread jgrit1
Shades of Andy Yesterday I happened to be outdoors and got a little sun unexpectedly. Normally I have a sunscreen on. Fortunately my darling person was with me so she know I wasn’t hanging out by the pool with the likes of Lee Drake. I was at a military base with my daughter visiting a

report from the Rock

2011-06-04 Thread jgrit1
I promised to report on my recent trip to the Rock. Now for many of you Trained Noticers, you will know that When Barney refers to the Mayberry the RocK it is a reference to the Prison on Alcatraz Island, just a mile off shore from San Francisco. I was lucky enough to take the tour

Correcting terms--100 years

2011-05-20 Thread jgrit1
Ken you recent meesage was entitled Subject: Centurions Since this was in response to my orginal post I must correct you. The term I used for people who live 100 years is Centenarian. A Centurion (the word you used) is a soldier referenced many times in the Bible, who was in charge of 100

100 years and whatnot

2011-05-16 Thread jgrit1
You know these 2 Hunderd-and-two year old people are what are known as centenarians. You see it comes from the word Cent-u which means 100, Like a Century is a hundred years..which they have lived. I wonder if they’ve even eaten centipedes. That’s just a step beyond snails. It would be

The Manicurist--her story

2011-04-19 Thread jgrit1
There is a new (not sure how new) biography out by Barbara Eden Since Barney has the copy checked out of the Mayberry Library I skimmed it last night at a bookstore. Sadly I did not see any reference to her stint as the Mayberry manicurist. She does mention working on I Love Lucy, and what a

A little bit of Mayberrry in an unsual place

2011-04-12 Thread jgrit1
I hope I haven't already told this story. Forgive me if a have. A few weeks ago I was in Atlanta GA on Business. Some of the group I was with wanted to go to a place with Live Music for supper. Relutantly I agreed to get a taste of the local Culture at the Jazz place called Juke Joint

Clocks or no clocks

2011-04-07 Thread jgrit1
People often say of Mayberry that time stood still. Well, is there any wonder? Other than the clock on the courthouse wall, I don't recall ever seeing another clock in all of Mayberry. Of course Andy had his pocket watch and Barney had his stainless steel wristwatch, but other than that I

another Otis--sort of

2011-04-04 Thread jgrit1
I was watching Celebrity Apprentice last night. The Celebrities had to create a work of Art to auction off for charity. Actor Gary Busey is on there, and he is kind of scatter-brained. (it might be due to a head injury). Anyway for his work or art, he painted a Water Buffalo. It looked for

Electronal Marvels and Live Podcast participation request

2011-03-27 Thread jgrit1
Someone asked recently about how a question and the answer/response could be in the same Digest. I figured this out a while back, even though I am not a technological wizard. You can access the archives link and it will not only have past Digest posts, but any that are pending for the next

Hat in Hand--Barney

2011-03-17 Thread jgrit1
There is so much to watch in My Fairest Earnest T Bass, but I noticed something strange. I thought it curious that Barney had his hat in his hand when he was wrestling Ernest Bass out the door, along with Andy. How did he have time to pick it up, I thought, When Ernest T clobbered the guy

breaking the 4th wall

2011-03-06 Thread jgrit1
I've enjoyed this thread on breaking the fourth wall.? In case anyone is unfamiliar with this term, it refers to the fact that a theater stage has three walls, but occasionally (for comic effect)?a script will call for?an actor to deliver a line directly to the audience instead of?to the other

Thanks for all the suggestions/help

2011-02-25 Thread jgrit1
Hey I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who jumped in to answer my question about how to do Picture captures from DVD. I'm looking forward to experimenting..and giving those a try. What a nice, helpful bunch of Mayberryites. Hopefully I won't need bigger wires or acidently take my own

Program to do screen captures--lets build pages for Extras.

2011-02-19 Thread jgrit1
Within the last few weeks someome mentioned software that allowed you to do a screen capture of a DVD playing on your computer. The poster mentioned that it was designed for You-Tube Captures, I think, but could also be used for a DVD. Could you send me or re-post that info. I would like to

Wow that's ironic

2011-02-18 Thread jgrit1
Andy almost used the word mollycoddling once; in Andy's Vacation he was having a pretty bad day, and while talking to Barney he barked I'm tired of coddlin' these people. From now on when they break the law, it's either fine 'em or jail 'em. Paul Mulik Paul, just a funny sidelight to

of Meatballs, Chickens, and Dancing

2011-02-14 Thread jgrit1
I was thinking about background actors--those who speak..and those who don’t. I need to go back and look for the string about the one lady that Barney dances with. After the moulage about was she or wasn’t she Lucy’s stand-in, I lost track. I found another lady, however, who like so many

Pickups and Splashes from Floor and Philomath

2011-02-09 Thread jgrit1
There's been Bigfoot evidence found right here in NC near Troy, the hometown of Jeff Branch, our own Howard Sprague tribute artist. It's been on the news all morning. My suggestion is we get Howard, the town clerk to go after Bigfoot with the same enthusiam as when he caught Ol' Sam. You

Bookcases with Glass Doors

2011-02-07 Thread jgrit1
…and now back to our show (The Andy Griffith Show and related topics) Hi! I was just wondering how many times the glass was broken in the bookcase in the sherriff's office, and in how many episodes. I can think of three right off. How many can you think of? Angie in KY

Bob's wish list and the Buddy system with the Scamp

2011-01-28 Thread jgrit1
To my friend and our charter member Bob Bravetti..wish #1 is defenitely in progress. With a little let-up in the work schedule and thr creative juices continuing to flow, it will get done and turned over to the performer. Now as for wish #2. That would definitely be must-see TV. Which cards

Did you see Rafe on American Idol??

2011-01-28 Thread jgrit1
Watching Americian Idol lasst night, I got a flashback to Rafe Hollister trying out and performing at the Chorale. There were socalled polished singers, like Barney, who were awful. Then, in walked a country boy in bibbed overalls. He was a cross between the Darling Boys and Rafe. He had a

Observation of the pageant and names

2011-01-22 Thread jgrit1
I watched the Pageant recently. That teh episode about the Centennial, and Aunt Bee trying out for Lady Mayberry. Just some rambling thoughts here. There were a few times when Aunt Bee had to go to Play practice, that Andy just seemed to be kicking back at home. Why wasn't he, as James

Visting Two Chairs No Waiting brings back memories of Small town barber shop.

2011-01-20 Thread jgrit1
I had a chance last night to catch up on Allan’s Two Chairs No Waiting Podcasts. I was about three sessions behind, so spending an hour there, at “Two Chairs no Waiting” reminded me of spending an hour at the small town Barbershop when I was growing up..which LIKE “Two Chairs” was also a very

The Grit, True Grit, us Grits etc.

2011-01-17 Thread jgrit1
Well, I’ve followed with interest all the talk about “The Grit.” When I was just a lad (named Gritton) I had all these nicknames like “True Grit” “Grit-man” “the Grits” “Fast Gun Grit”..the wait that was Barney. Anyway I went to the library and started looking in the books from

Ron Howard Film clip--familiar faces

2011-01-06 Thread jgrit1
At the movies last night, I saw this movie trailer with two TAGS alums in it. Its a Ron Howard film, so you can probably guess who they are. Paste this link into your browser..or (if that does not work) go to

Party Line question

2010-12-28 Thread jgrit1
Question: When Malcolm Tucker wanted to use the phone and the Mendlebright sisters were on it all afternoon, why didn't Andy just take him to the courthouse or to someone else's house to use a phone? Certainly the entire town of Mayberry wasn't on the same party line. I thought of that

Browning Performanace and New Years

2010-12-28 Thread jgrit1
I just finished watching the one man show David Browning put on up there in the Tri-Cities area. I was totally blown away with his performance. I just got one word for it..BIG..BIG, BIG. I know, that's 3 words, but he is just FANTASTIC. I never seen him in any role but

A Christmas Story Script

2010-12-20 Thread jgrit1
After reading Ken's wishes for a Christmas in Mayberry, many years ago after Return to Mayberry, there was a rumor that there would be a second movie entitled Christmas in Mayberry. We know that movie was never produced, but does anyone know if a script was ever written for it? -Bob Dear

Thanks for correction

2010-12-10 Thread jgrit1
Thanks to the poster who corrected my mis-hearing of the celebrity at a Golf Event on the Celebrity Apprentice. I thought I heard Andy Griffin (instead of Andy Griffith) but it was indeed Kathy Griffin. The name of one of her books fits her status in comparison to Andy (Life on the

Andy Griffin on Apprenctice playing Golf???

2010-12-04 Thread jgrit1
On the most recent episode of the Apprentice, Donald Trump took the two finalists to Trump National Golf Course in West Chester NY. The Challenge or Task was announced by Trump's two children who are co -hosts, Ivanka and Don Jr.. Don Junior said they they would be hosting a Celebrity Golf

The best things in life are free

2010-12-02 Thread jgrit1
The best things in life are free, right? Like air and water? (at Wally's) Of course today, around here, it costs anywher from 75 cents to back to pump air into your tires..may be still free in some places and water..according to my utility bill its not free. So what is free?? Certainly

TAGS alumni of Gomer Pyle

2010-11-28 Thread jgrit1
I picked up my Season 2 of Gomer Pyle USMC off the shelf forogetting that there was some episodes I had not yet seen. Here is a quick highlight review of TAGS alums near the end of Season 2. Susan Oliver (Prisoner of Love) plays a very different character. She is a wholesome girl that

What I would be arrested for

2010-11-26 Thread jgrit1
What I would be arrest for would be: Unlawful assemblige, loitering, and disturbing the peace You know how Aunt Bee got in trouble with Barney for just talking with a few friends outside the couthouse??? ..That's what I'd be doing. I'd find a group of friends, like you all, and we'd be

Emma Watson in the news

2010-11-19 Thread jgrit1
Whenever one of those Harry Potter moviers comes out..I always get a kick out of hearing Emma Watson's name in the news. For those who may not know, the actress who plays Harry's friend Hermiene has the same name in real life as Mayberry's own favorote Jay-walker, Fugitive-hostess and

Trivia Question on Multiple Characters

2010-11-18 Thread jgrit1
I waited a few days to jump in. But this Question has Mary Lansing and Bob MCQuain all over it. (what actors played teh most roles) Mary was most known for being Emmett's Wife and Mrs. Lukens the shop keeper..but Bob played many roles including including Officer Johnson ... then whenever

Who we would be

2010-11-16 Thread jgrit1
Ken, I think Gomer would be my choice...simple minded and just as nice a fellow as you?d ever want to meet. ( From: Jimmy Phillips -- I've heard that about you Jimmy. Tall, Dark, and a Door Prize (with a Brown Suit that's pretty plain)

Pickups and splashes from Floor and Pool

2010-11-06 Thread jgrit1
Hey Friends. I'm still trying to jump back in here and hang up. I've been traveling for business quite a bit, actually spent a few days in the hospital, and have had Email issues on my end. Its good to get the Digest, but we need to keep chatting it up. Some times it seems like one guy's

You say Haman , We say Mammom , let call the whole tomato off

2010-09-17 Thread jgrit1
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