
I can't say anything about the code (as I haven't seen it yet) but
three things I'd like to comment:

> newest of these three, and SMW doesn't connect to it yet, but I would like
> to add code in to SMW to do that, most likely via another class, that would
> be called "SMWSiteSettings".

I'm not a huge fan of such interdependencies (and AdminLinks is no exception).

> I'd ask about it here before trying to send in a patch. I'm not planning on
> adding any testing code for this new code, just like there isn't for the

Having no tests (no matter what language or circumstances) will give
me a hard time to +2 (you don't need the SiteSettings to run tests,
just mock the interface).

> Anyway I much like all three extensions, and welcome tight integration
> among them all, despite dev headaches that may occur.

Tight coupling is not a solution it is a cause. [0, 1, 2, 3].

[0] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc947917.aspx



[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loose_coupling

PS: Having said that, maybe it is not all that bad why not post to
code as gist ( https://gist.github.com/).


On 7/19/14, Yaron Koren <ya...@wikiworks.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Well, it depends on what you mean by "broken". From my perspective, as long
> as the code doesn't crash SMW's regular functionality, it's good enough. If
> there's a problem with the Site Settings functionality in SMW - even a
> severe problem - you could just redirect it as a Site Settings issue, which
> is really what it is.
> The same thing holds true for Page Schemas, by the way - the code in SMW
> that hooks into it is somewhat complex, but as far as I know it hasn't
> required any special maintenance effort on the part of SMW devs.
> -Yaron
> On Jul 18, 2014 9:30 AM, "Jeroen De Dauw" <jeroended...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> > Unfortunately, there isn't yet a public example of an extension that
>> hooks into Site Settings
>> Just from the description you provided, it is still not clear enough for
>> me to say much about it.
>> The general concern with putting it into SMW is that this forces the
>> people working on SMW to hold it into account. This means making sure it
>> does not get broken when changes are made on the master branch. That is
>> hard to do since it requires the Site Settings extension. If the code is
>> really trivial, then perhaps this is fine.
>> Cheers
>> --
>> Jeroen De Dauw - http://www.bn2vs.com
>> Software craftsmanship advocate
>> Evil software architect at Wikimedia Germany
>> ~=[,,_,,]:3

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