
Glad to see we are converging, a bit.
But, irrespective of this detail, isn't it reasonable to use the number of (live) ASes as the basis for the number of pub points (CAs)? To first order, any entity that needs to be explicitly represented in the RPKI is associated with an AS#, whether they are an LIR, a PI space holder, or a multi-homed holder
of PA space (from  an LIR).

I don't know. I see that the 1 AS = 1 CA is often referred as reasonable.
But I do not see why an AS operator, using single AS#, cannot serve multiple organisations that got their address space from somewhere else. So all these organisations will have CAs, will create ROAs, but would not operate own ASes.
In what sense do you mean "serve" here? Do you mean that the organizations in question have, for example, PI space but no AS#'s, and thus their ROAs all point to the AS# of the AS operator? Is that common?

Also, I should amend my comment above, slightly. When we model the number of pub points (CAs) we do add in a factor to account for orgs that have allocations from multiple sources, but may be represented
by a single AS#.

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