Not interested in touching the rest of this discussion, but just weighing in on this bit:

shiv sastry wrote: [ on 10:14 PM 8/4/2007 ]

> Certainly symbolic necrophagia and cannibalism are central to
> Christianity, and explicitly ordered by God. If it's believed and
> practiced that widely, how weird can it be?

Weirdness by definition is "something I'm not used to or comfortable with". I
was unaware of necrophagia and cannibalism in Christianity and - I would look
out for more information on this. If true these "ordered by God" acts have
certainly been hidden from the public eye, and given that I have received a
substantial dose of Christianity as part of my upbringing, this statement
comes as a complete surprise.

You missed out the important adjective "symbolic" in what Charles said. I would be willing to bet that you were indeed aware of this:


((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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