Charles Haynes [05/08/07 14:49 +0530]:
I may need to take steps to make it more obvious that I am not. Maybe
carry around Betrand Russell or something.

"ah, another christian"

this, from a place where a lot of the christians, especially those from my
father's generation or from smaller towns, got their names courtesy a
pastor who poked around the local graveyard for dead brits and used their
names .. so you have fine old names like "o'neill shahapurkar" (first name
from some dead irishman's grave, and the second name + suffix kar standard
maharashtrian practice that makes up surnames based on the town your
ancestors came from)

Eh? I don't understand this part. You're saying that people will
assume, based on name alone, what religion someone - even a foreigner
- is, and it doesn't matter what religion they actually profess or
practice? That seems so foreign to me.

Well, it is based on standard indian well, observation, with hindus called
udhay and suresh, muslims called asif and yusuf ..

based solely on their name. (Though if I run into someone named Joi
Wolfwomyn I probably will make some assumptions not only about their
religious beliefs, but also their probable sexual orientation, and
political beliefs.)

the only Joi I've run into is surnamed Ito, and he is a fun guy to meet for
all that he is a compulsive blogger
Surely, but outside of India it is relatively easy to avoid being a
part of such community. For example, it would be easy for me to raise
my family here while not being a part of traditional American culture,
the presence of Americans in Bangalore notwithstanding.

Not so easy for an indian outside india, I assure you - if only because
other indians actively seek you out and drag you kicking and screaming if
necessary into the local "community"

Not born of Hindu parents, culturally non-hindu, no hindu religious practices?
(an outsider)

still an outsider, and probably a hare krishna or random other guru camp

Not born of Hindu parents, cuturally non-hindu, religiously practicing hindu?
(a foreign born convert)

ditto ++

Not born of Hindu parents, culturally hindu, no hindu religious practices?
(An indian born child of non-indan born parents, raised in Hindu
society, but not a practicing hindu. [is this possible?])

well he could be a sikh, or a jain or something (quite likely a sikh) -
those religions are nominally separate from hinduism though rooted in it

Not born of Hindu parents, culturally hindu, religiously practicing hindu?
(Indian born child of foreign parents, raised in Hindu society,
follows Hindu religious practice)

very rare indeed

Born of Hindu parents, culturally non-hindu, no hindu religious practices?
(Assimilated american children of assmilated Indian-born parents)

hindu, to the max. even if he converts, whereupon his relatives regard him
as a potential prodigal son to welcome back into the fold sooner or later

Born of Hindu parents, cuturally non-hindu, religiously practicing hindu?
(Religious american born children of assimilated indian-born parents)


Born of Hindu parents, culturally hindu, no hindu religious practices?
(Madhu, e.g.)

hindu. all of us "fake hindus"out here on silk.. madhu, me, udhay etc -
still hindu. and at least some of us are "brahmins" - supposed to be
priests and saddled with extra rituals as a result, nominally at least.
Born of Hindu parents, culturally hindu, religiously practicing hindu?


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