On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 5:35 AM, ss <cybers...@gmail.com> wrote:
> May I put it to you that when a Christian or Muslim finds his name absent it
> is "minority discrimination". When a Hindu finds his name absent - it is
> Indian inefficiency and corruption.

The point is that a few years ago the response to a missing name on
the electoral roll from a middle class Syrian Christian Mallu would
have been "Man, these guys are incompetent." Today its "The Sangh
Parivar is out to get me." It doesn't matter if it's true or not --
the point is that the political climate has become so polarised that a
community that mostly ignores politics (even in Kerala!) is developing
collective paranoia. And *that* is what is worrying me as I said in my
original post.

> Without saying that there is no discrimination, I must point out that the
> tactic used by Christianity and Islam, throughout history is to continuouly
> allege discrimination and play victim. By design Chriatianity and Islam are
> always under attack as evidenced by the ever present stories of
> discsimination.
> To me this might be another case of crying "wolf" as usual.

Hm ... do you really believe this or are you just trolling as usual?
If the former, that's an interesting data point in itself. Combined
with some other, equally prejudiced comments on this list earlier
supports the view that Indian polity is increasing driven by a "us and
them" mindset.

By the way, I'm not sure if you care but your blanket condemnation of
Islam and Christianity left a rather icky taste in my mouth.

-- b

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