> You will recall that
> Islam in the US was the fastest growing religion in prisons - for the same
> reason.

Can give some citations? Just curious.

> What happens after that is that this pre-existing social divide serves as
> a "religious divide" so that the Church or some other religious
> organization
> can join the fight and call it "religious persecution". This is politics,
> not
> religion.

Is not religion also culture? Would you call Arya Samaj religion or the
practice of Infant Jesus religion or going for urs and to dargahs religion?
Maybe all of us seriously need to think what religion is. If you say you are
Hindu, then you are not Hindu in the same way that my Bengali brother-in-law
is or my mother's Marwari brother is.

> This is exactly what you have done Biju. You have converted a problem that
> affects all Indians into a Islam and Christanity versus others affair in
> the
> post that started this thread.

I think Biju simply put forward the article and expressed his concerns. You
chose to read it the way you have stated it here.

> You then ask if migration might be a good
> idea.

What do you do when you feel alienated? It is simply an expression of
disgust, hurt and upset. Instead of being empathic, you want to launch into
explaining yourself.

And you have the gumption to turn around and accuse me. May
> respectfully suggest that if you have an icky taste in your mouth you ought
> to wash your mouth.

This is really one of the problems I see, not only on this list, but in
general in discussions these days. We get reactive and then want to
"respond" immediately with our positions and justifications. Why not wait
and mull over for a bit? I admit that I can also get reactive and want to
respond immediately, but that is what I am stopping myself from doing these
days. Otherwise discussions degenerate into ...


P.S. Have rinsed my mouth with AM-PM mouthwash before writing.

Zainab Bawa
Ph.D. Student and Independent Researcher

Between Places ...

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