On 04/09/2011 05:36 PM, Udhay Shankar N wrote:
Shoba says this was a tough piece to write. It was tough to read as well
(and not because it was poorly written, I hasten to add).

Yes, I agree
India needs to save our girls. The future of our boys, and indeed our
civilization, depends on it.

Till we change our minds, we cannot change our world.


I find this topic slightly disturbing, but it strikes a chord somewhere inside of me.

If women keep aborting, abandoning, and killing their girl children, where will that leave the population? And the boy children who these mothers are so adamant to save, who will take care of them? Who will they marry? Will the men take care of the children, cook, clean and do what the world sees as "the women's work"?

Girl children are just as valuable as the boy children. Parents pay for the children's education (be it boy or girl), their upkeep, their food, everything. Why does it matter if the children is a boy or a girl? Both are the same (or should be) in many parents lives.

Women have proven they can do just as well as men, if not better, in many levels. Why should we feel that women or girl children are so insignificant that they can just be tossed away.

~ Stephanie
Proud mother of 2 children, both daughters

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