On 10-Apr-11 5:09 PM, Sirtaj Singh Kang wrote:

> I have a depressing prediction. Over an extended period, the reduced
> supply of suitable brides will cause the roles to be  reversed and girls
> will become a more precious commodity than boys. Until that happens, the
> attitude of Indian men toward women will become more desperate and ugly
> due to sexual frustration and a paucity of healthy pre-marital
> socialization with women outside their families. Unrealistic
> expectations set by TV and movies will make it worse.

I'd expect a whole range of behaviour, including ones that are explored
in this paper [1]

The ratio of marrying age men to marrying age women in India has been
rising in the past several decades. The increasing gender imbalance
implies that many young Indian men are now facing significantly greater
competition from each other in local marriage markets.  Using household
level data, this paper finds that local sex imbalances are strongly
associated with decrease in net dowry in Indian marriages and with
higher savings in households with sons.  Further analyses at the
region-level indicate that the competitive savings pressure spills over
to other households.

[1] http://mitsloan.mit.edu/neudc/papers/paper_305.pdf

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))

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