On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Stephanie Das Gupta <
stephaniewhitin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If women keep aborting, abandoning, and killing their girl children, where
> will that leave the population? And the boy children who these mothers are
> so adamant to save, who will take care of them? Who will they marry? Will
> the men take care of the children, cook, clean and do what the world sees as
> "the women's work"?
> Girl children are just as valuable as the boy children. Parents pay for the
> children's education (be it boy or girl), their upkeep, their food,
> everything. Why does it matter if the children is a boy or a girl? Both are
> the same (or should be) in many parents lives.
> Women have proven they can do just as well as men, if not better, in many
> levels. Why should we feel that women or girl children are so insignificant
> that they can just be tossed away.
> ~ Stephanie
> Proud mother of 2 children, both daughters

This is an idealistic view. We who are better off economically, we who can
give our daughters good opportunities...we can afford to love our daughters
as much as our sons.

But let's face  the reality of many cultures.....the daughter is someone to
be brought up at the usual expense, and then given away (yes, given away)
with further (and often unaffordable)  expense, to another family where her
work at home, as well as work outside the home, will be the fruit enjoyed by
that family. Her coming home to have her children entails yet further
expense...and even more so if the death of her husband, or even a question
on her morality, drive her away from her husband's home, and she has no
option but to return to the parental home.

That's the economic side. On the emotional side...one has to feel the pangs
of separation from one's daughter as she moves out of the parental home. One
has to watch, often without being able to protest, at the ill-treatment she
is subjected to in the spousal home...as Shiv says, often  she is a being in
limbo, between a member of the family, and a servant.

Throughout a daughter's life, the question of her morality hangs like a
storm-cloud over the parents. The possiblity of shame stalks them

 In this scenario, can one not understand parents not wanting a daughter to
be born?

Until morals and economics change ...they haven't changed much except in
small pockets....this is going to be a grim reality.

I can be proud of my daughter, and her daughter, because they can take their
rightful places in the sun. If they were to be oppressed, and traduced, and
beaten, and shamed...would I be so proud of them? Would I want them? I don't
know....and I can only count myself fortunate that I have not had to face
this situation.


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