On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 6:44 PM, Mahesh Murthy <mahesh.mur...@gmail.com>wrote:
> If you're OK with it, can I have someone from Airtel call you back on this?
> If you can share an account number / phone number on email that would help.

If you can pull strings in Airtel, Mahesh, I'd like to talk to a real Airtel
employee too. They've screwed me over internet connections at events twice.
The second time we applied a month in advance and paid up, and they still
failed to deliver on time. We spent the last week frantically chasing them.
The linemen finally turned up in the late afternoon of a full-day event and
gave us a connection for three hours.

Now Airtel insists the connection was delivered, so it's not their problem
anymore. I have no idea what the status of the connection is (I asked for it
to be cancelled the same day) and I can't find a human in Airtel who's
willing to listen for more than two minutes.

I went with Airtel because they had existing connections in the building. I
assumed it would be a simple line extension for them, vs laying cables half
a km from the main road for other ISPs.


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