> Date:          Sun, 03 May 1998 21:39:45 -0600
> From:          "Bruce K. Stenulson" <stenul...@amigo.net>
> Reply-to:      stenul...@amigo.net
> Organization:  Applied Technology
> To:            silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject:       Re: silver reaction and How much distilled water is too much?

Hi List,
        The urine/saliva test I do has one part that measures the amount of 
electrolites in the urine. From this test and what I have been 
taught, it is very hard to flush too many of these out of the body. 
It can happen, but it is VERY rare. I drink as much as 80 ounces of 
distilled water per day, at 4 ounces every half hour, and my minerals 
have not suffered. I wouldn't be overly worried about it.
        Non-distilled water will give you minerals the body can't use and 
cause a buildup in the body, so I think I would rather take my 
chances on distilled water. And in fact I do!
        Take Care!
        Jim Einert, N.D.

> Frank Matzka wrote:
> > 
> > The below brings up another question. I once asked on another list (can't
> > remember) about drinking distilled water and whether this would be
> > better/quicker for eliminating impurities. I was told to be careful about
> > drinking too much distilled water as it can tend to pull out too many 
> > essential
> > minerals etc because of distilled water's tiny/zero saturation level.
> > 
> > So how much distilled water is too much to drink?
> > 
> > Regards.......Frank
> A friend has been distilling all of his drinking water since the early
> 70's - no report of problems yet... may not be anything to worry about -
> check more sources of info on this one.
> Bruce
> --
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