The below brings up another question. I once asked on another list (can't
remember) about drinking distilled water and whether this would be
better/quicker for eliminating impurities. I was told to be careful about
drinking too much distilled water as it can tend to pull out too many essential
minerals etc because of distilled water's tiny/zero saturation level.

So how much distilled water is too much to drink?

Regards.......Frank wrote:

> > Date:          Sat, 02 May 1998 13:59:54 -0400
> > From:          clete jackson <>
> > Subject:       silver reaction
> > To:  
> > Reply-to:
> > Organization:  general tire
> > Hello Silver list....
> > Being new to this list......I have a question. I have been taken CS for
> > approx. 3 large quanties. I have developed an all over
> > the body itching....rash. Is this normal??
> > Clete
> >
> Clete,
>         This could be caused by the body trying to detox through the skin.
> Try a sauna, or just get in a hot shower or tub so you will sweat,
> and try to get the toxins out. You might also try dry brushing the
> skin to help losen up the toxins.
>         I doubt it is an allergic reaction to the silver, but you might need
> to back off on the silver a bit to give the body a chance to clear
> the toxins out. Also, and enema would help move the toxins out, as
> would drinking lots of distilled water.
>         Take Care!
>         Jim Einert, N.D.

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