but my brilliant surgeon gave me, when I couldn't afford the get the
prescription pain killer, several doses of Advil in case I needed to
help the pain....even though though I told him I had already had a
allergic reaction to NSAIDS. The pain was a bit more then I could
handle and as I knew none of the things I go now about helping with
pain, I finally took ONE dose of Advil. within 24 hours I was in the
ER where I stayed for 6 hours as they tried unsuccessfully to get and
IV into my swollen body, the I was transfered to I private room
upstairs. considering I was on medicad (no frills for the poor
usually), this freaked my visiting friends out a bit. I was released
after about 3, maybe 4 days, and my discharge nurse gave me a hug and
said we all glad your all right, you gave us quite a scare! I looked
at her amazed, I knew I was sick and swollen but apparently had no
idea how bad.

Methinks the only reason they treated you so well is because you should have sued their collective pants off - and you most likely would have owned the hospital if you had.

That (giving you a script for NSAIDS when you told them you had had an allergic reaction before) was *gross* negligence, and they *knew* it.

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