I did think about suing, cant remember why I didn't, maybe because I had to fight Medicare and the ambulance company because they didn't think the antiflactic shock I was experiencing was something that shouldn't have kept me from driving myself to the hospital. that and in your mid twenties its easy for people to convince you to not sue. what amazes me though is that I still have Drs say to me "well, your not really allergic to NSAIDs, it just upsets your stomach" man oh mighty I wish it just upset my stomach!

Back to gallbladders and health what you have said makes sense and my experimenting with foods I think does show that gallbladder stuff still continues to be some of my challenge. I would like to add one more thing to the equation, and see if you can help me shed any light. Obviously I have found some food that help, some that I have to avoid because it makes me worse and some that help when used on an occasional basis (oyster mushrooms and spinach make a wonderful muscle relaxer but I wouldn't want to use it on a regular basis), but there is one thing that I haven't been able to figure out as completely as I would like.

Why altitude effects me so much. The first time I realized how much it effected me I went from Colo Springs to Hoboken NJ to visit my sister and even though she lived several flights up I had no problem, and I waled almost everywhere the 2 weeks I was there. Upon returning to colo springs I was back to not being able to walk a block. having figured this out and taking in to consideration that there is more oxygen at lower altitudes, I made plans to move back near Berkeley (where I was born), during that time my health improved even more then by making the food adjustments. But every time I com back to visit my mom in Denver, I get really sick for weeks, its like returning to being as sick as I was before I moved away and before I started doing things with food and herbs to help my body. this time I have stayed 6 months in order to help my mom with some things, and this is how it went: 3 weeks of being sick as a dog unable to be very far from a bathroom and unable to go more then .5 of a mile (could go 2 miles easy in cali.) Month 2 felt ok. Month 3 started to gain weight, by the end of month 4 had gone from 210lbs (weight upon arrival in Colo) to 290. 80lbs in about 2 months, and let me say again my diet has not changed I am not eating more then before, and no I don't have thyroid problems or diabetes, and I have low blood pressure not high blood pressure.....hopefully that covers those things. month 5 weight seemed stabilized. month 6 more weight gain, I am now at 315. which was close to the weight I had gotten to before leaving colo 7 years before (fluctuated between 280 and 310. just for info my top weight before making diet changes and refusing to stake stupid medications was 385.

I defiantly believe that there being less oxygen contributes to the problem, and it seems that the problems that get worse seem to likely be related to gallbladder. But I feel as if I'm over looking something that could possibly help me when I come home to visit my mom. let me be clear on this I am not looking for supplements to try or such, I am looking first to find why the problem exists, or rather why the problem get so much worse at a higher altitude, could it be mainly the oxygen? or is there something I might be over looking?


btw I am leaving on Sunday to go back to California, and believe me I cant wait. it is my belief that most of the weight I have gained will reduce with out much change in diet or personal habits, as this is what has happened before. but it does not make me any less intent on figuring out why by body goes through this

Charles Marcus wrote:
but my brilliant surgeon gave me, when I couldn't afford the get the
prescription pain killer, several doses of Advil in case I needed to
help the pain....even though though I told him I had already had a
allergic reaction to NSAIDS. The pain was a bit more then I could
handle and as I knew none of the things I go now about helping with
pain, I finally took ONE dose of Advil. within 24 hours I was in the
ER where I stayed for 6 hours as they tried unsuccessfully to get and
IV into my swollen body, the I was transfered to I private room
upstairs. considering I was on medicad (no frills for the poor
usually), this freaked my visiting friends out a bit. I was released
after about 3, maybe 4 days, and my discharge nurse gave me a hug and
said we all glad your all right, you gave us quite a scare! I looked
at her amazed, I knew I was sick and swollen but apparently had no
idea how bad.

Methinks the only reason they treated you so well is because you should have sued their collective pants off - and you most likely would have owned the hospital if you had.

That (giving you a script for NSAIDS when you told them you had had an allergic reaction before) was *gross* negligence, and they *knew* it.

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