MOdels are never the real thing, always simplifications, if not unfaithful. The idea that the model is getting better is attractive, but that's like saying we are going to recreate something. Ha Ha. The logical conclusion then is that we have to recreate the human body and the world around it in order to perfect our medicine.
Is that our aim? Let's call it worthy then.
Ho Ho

--On 18 October 2007 11:59:00 -0500 Clayton Family <> wrote:

This is what I mean when I say that we don't know all the laws that
govern this world. Just because something does not fit the model, means
maybe the model is not good enough, so go back and look at that. If it is
good enough for the use it is intended for, then ok, the model can be
used, but the unusual events are there, written down, filed away for
future ref. Then when eventually, we get more info, or other events like
it, we can maybe figure it out.

On Oct 18, 2007, at 4:43 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

While looking close, other things pop up that don't fit the plan and
can't be used...but it's there and not forgotten or dismissed.

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