You get incomplete knowledge no matter what you use.

The ancients had only snapshots as well.  Same methods, different tools.
Tools "In addition to" , can't do anything but to make the gap smaller.

A microscope doesn't make something into something didn't "create" nano-tech, it just allows a more specific definition to allow dismissing faulty theory. The more you know about what *is*, the closer you can nail it down...the better you can screw it up?
 Definitely a concern.  [ winks and grins ]

It's highly doubtful that anyone will ever know everything. [despite claims to the contrary ] And not knowing is the largest cause of fear..... and the projection of it, as anger. Ignorance may be bliss, but you can do more about *what* you fear, with a clearer picture of what that is. "Clearer" pictures *hone* the senses...but clarity is infinite with resolution till it all vanishes. Fear, generally dulls and misdirects the senses into justifying inappropriate action...blindly lashing out at the unknown. If appropriate action is taken through fear and ignorance, that would be accidental. [happens, sometimes ]

Looking reeeeaaaly close, it's turning out that it's ALL senses....and NOTHING exists as it appears. The ancient sages already knew that somehow. Maybe they had really good microscopes, or some one who did, told them...or just "mentally/spiritually" enhanced senses. [ Robert A. Heinleins Stranger in a Strange Land "Grocks" the situation...understanding beyond reason and a linear minds capability to think.]

"Tao of Physics" Fritjof Capra A very interesting book...somewhat of a dry and detailed read. [given to me to read by that subversive coward of a research bio-chemist I used to hunt psilocybin "magic" mushrooms and certain cacti with....a Shamans tool that inspired him to get that PHD. A Shamans tool, now behind a microscope.]

Discount nothing, assign it temporary value and file it away for future reference as context perception changes with the ever increasing awareness that investigation brings. Use what can be used, when it can be used and reach no 'search stopping' conclusions. Better tools cannot be a detriment.
Eliminating numbers with denial to make an equation work, doesn't work.
It takes *lack of knowledge* claiming totality, to make the infinite appear finite.
If one *assumes* evil, that's all he'll ever see.
Hate, is the language of ignorance denied its true meaning with more ignorance.

A researchers world doesn't start or stop with yes/'s all "maybe/probably".
 An "Administrator"  he might work for?  yes/no and adamantly so.
But an administrator doesn't understand what the researchers do and can't control them beyond a demand for a given result. To him, its all "Greek", spitting out the few letters he can sell and keeping the rest. He wants satisfaction and stops when he gets it, a researcher is never satisfied and never stops looking... tossing out tidbits to keep the Administrators funding going.

What you have, is one mentality feeding another ...table scraps, to get a feast.

Interventions apply to the majority who don't "live healthy"
Many people who do "live healthy", wind up needing the interventions, anyhow...maybe, far fewer of them.
There are no absolutes in space time...just appearances.
One solution doesn't negate another.

Keep the baby AND the bath water ?

Granted, some of those babies need a good spanking and stood in a corner. "Terrible twos" ya know.
It's not like ANY human beings are "grown up" yet.


At 02:42 PM 10/19/2007 +0100, you wrote:

Hi Ode,

breifly, about microsocpes, we can only get incomplete knowledge, and all of it unnecessary to know how to live healthily or to find suitable healing conditions. SUch knowledge only blunts our senses, and because of that our immune system, which needs our full senses to work efficiently.

The microscope knowledge is a snapshot, and relies upon theory, most of that misleading and vain. WHere there is some good work (e.g. Bechamp - please do read him), the result is to advise good healthy living both to prevent and to recover from disease, and not fancy interventions.

TRo go the microscope way, assumes we can improve upon what we have without them. But we still use our eyes and brains. There are always more and more subtle levels, way beyond the conventional microscope. WHilst these processes work, they are subordinate to conscious intelligence and action in the world of naturally presented elements, natural living and foods. What I mean to say is, that whilst material processes and chi have their own approximate laws, or levels of stability and rules of fluidity, it's the way we live which governs them all. Not the other way round...both as the cause of our ailments and the cures.

Take water, there are many kinds and the ancients determined this without microscopes. It is they who alerted us to silver, and every good medical ruse. You may call cs nano-technology, I don't. The electrical invention doesn't need a microscope, either. But better would be the unpolluted waters containing silver, I think, as well as silver in our soils.


(still no mouse..sorry for uncut post)

--On 18 October 2007 05:43:19 -0400 Ode Coyote <> wrote:

At 04:55 PM 10/16/2007 +0100, you wrote:

--On 16 October 2007 07:38:00 -0400 Ode Coyote <>

  Silver IS being rediscovered in more effective forms as
  nano-technology and ion exchange technology are better understood
though progression of discovery.
  You haven't noticed how many products it's being used in lately?
The list is a long one.

Even the "Pharm" is catching on.
That was the example hinted at for my suggestion of rediscovery as
opposed  to progressive discovery.

As of around 5 years ago, a pharm research department head friend of
mine was working on metallic nano particles.
That's all he would say.

Might have been touched off by a CS generator gift a year earlier.
I don't know, but he got pretty quiet after that.

  They aren't all  "turkeys" , you know.
You'd be surprised at how 'cool' some of these guys are,  just under the
lab coats, nearly incomprehensible back deck  barbecue party
conversations and triple PHD exteriors.

I'll bet my boots they got their ideas from alternative/complimentary
users like people on this list, and some press reports of the fact, plus
the problems of mms and the soloution of silver offered by certain
companies using silver for linings in long-life products.
What medical reseachers study is all politically driven. 'Cool' I'm sure
phd students are - they study cool and wear it like a uniform. Speak
cool,  I don't think so...barbecue parity conversation isn't so free
where you  hear the name of university colleges.. They are usually five
years behind  free thinkers who also try to solve imaginary problems.
Of course some are naturally intelligent,  and wear what they like in a
nice way, like shirts instead of T-shirts.  It is true, I suppose, phd
students, though dressed uninterestingly, are beginning to break a
little  from student conformity, into adult conformity.

But Cool is dead now. The re-birth of cool, would be the re-emergence of
the unpaid politically-free 'Gentleman Scholar'. Like yourself.
Couldn't  be less interested in nano-technology, or anything to do with
microscopes  myself. Another disaster for the human race, before we
just live.  Seriously unnecessary  toys for  people who seriously insist
on missing  things with the scope of intelligence and the human eye.

##  I don't understand how looking closer can be "bad".
Blundered into or studied scientifically, Colloidal Silver IS
  Study doesn't change that.
If I had those microscopes, I'd sure be using them.
  Granted, there are directions these guy have to go's their job
to find what the boss wants them to look for, but they do some things on
the side in those labs that would rock your opinions of them.
Some, are stuffed shirts, to be sure, but some are wearing two or more
shirts that are quite subversive.
If I hadn't known them personally for 35 years, I'd never know and never
hear what they really do when no one is looking, or hear what independent
paths are being taken on the sly, discussed around the Barbie and beer.
While looking close, other things pop up that don't fit the plan and
can't be used...but it's there and not forgotten or dismissed.
People are people and none can be pigeon holed.  You just never know
what's just behind the appearances projected.
Cool, [open minded and adventurous ] before becoming scientists and not
lost after...just hidden away from "the man".
I've often been wrong about "pillars of society" after discovering their
foundations in quiet trusted private...what they "really" believe, have
seen and think about under societies demanded "professional" polished
suit and tie surface.

I know a few PHDs that have private lives that would just blow you
away....some "alien contactees" working for the UN and , alt
practitioners at home, toe the line scientists at work.
Preachers who have very different experiences guiding them, than what
they sermonize about on Sunday.  They can talk freely to the non-flock
who can keep a quiet secret.
I'll never name or expose them in any way and they know it.

"Bullshitters" tend to be loud and myopic, suit or no suit.


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