You can see the difference between *cooked* popcorn and a kernal that just "exploded" from internal cold pressure?

..assuming that water dissociation can be accomplished fast enough to build up that pressure without generating enough heat to cook the corn regardless of the means used.

Now, if Scalar waves are that easily produced, don't waste energy by heating up water and can generate that much cold gas under that much pressure that fast with a mere 2 watt or less output per cell phone....[3 watts is the legal max] why aren't you very very rich? [Or at least driving for free ]

How about doing that experiment with a small test tube of water and see if anything noticeable happens? No need to even collect the gas, just see if anything at all happens to the water. [or popcorn, for that matter ]


"BOGUS"  !!!!
Probably, but your analysis is completely off the mark since the arrangement minimizes heating but maximizes the probability of disassociation, heat is totally out of the picture, and discussing it is totally irrelevant and a distraction. We all know that it can't be from heat. What has to be debunked is if it can be from dissociation.



At 05:02
PM 6/9/2008 -0400, you wrote:

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