Hey Kathryn.  No, you didn't miss anything.  We have just mentioned H3O
without really saying what it's about, except I think Ode says it's the 
miracle" water.

But here's the Alpha Omega labs H3O and what it does.  

Very interesting stuff.  That's why I was wondering if we could make it here
 but apparently what we'd make is not stable--won't keep for long.  Their's

Snow!!!  Here I am complaining because it's been unusually cold here in the
mornings.  Gets up to 80 during the day, but the mornings have been in the
40's.  Yuck!


-------Original Message-------
H3O is heavy water- I must have missed what that is supposed to be good
for- and why they can't sell it here. Maybe it has something to do with
that it is used in nuclear reactors to help absorb the stray isotopes
or something.