I don't know sol, I'm such a clutz at things like that!  I would worry that I 
wasn't making it right and didn't I see a post (Brooks?) that said you can't 
make it correctly in an ordinary blender?  Not that I'm saying that you are 
*not* making it properly, but just that this is what I read.  Also, isn't it a 
bit complicated?  I seem to remember some having problems with making it when 
Brooks first posted, and if this is so, then this would definitely be me! <lol> 

On 18 Feb 2010, at 16:23, sol wrote:

> Dee,
>   Don't forget you can make your own Liposomal vit C very cheaply, per 
> Brook's instructions posted to this list.
> I've been successfully (as far as I can tell) making it with first my stick 
> blender then in my Vitamix, and it is the first vit C I have been able to 
> take in any dose over 250 mg. I plan to make the next batch in my regular 
> blender and see if that works as well for the mixing.
> sol