As a personal experiment,
dissolve a teaspoon of vitamin C powder in a glass of water...
Taste it.
Pretty much sour as unsweetened lemonade?

Put it in a blender...
add a tablespoon of lecithin granules...
Blend for at least a full minute...
Taste it.

Much milder?

If so,
add another teaspoon of C powder, and blend some more...
Taste it...
Still mild?

Here is a way of getting large amounts of C into you and still be
Bowel tolerance is also improved.
Up to your individual tolerance, of course.

The ultrasonic cleaner method takes this to another level.
I've done 50 grams of ascorbic acid before I decided it was enough.

Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on
the roof and gets stuck.

On 2/18/2010 1:42:56 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick ( wrote:
> For me it is too expensive though, as the Vit C is only $20 but the
> postage is $28!  I asked them why they
> don't use a less expensive carrier than USPS but they say that is the only 
> one they will use.  A real shame.  I buy from iHerb lots of things and they 
> use DHL which is $12 and an International company which is only $4!  DHL only 
> take three days to get it here to the UK as well. Brilliant!  Trouble is, 
> they don't
> stock the liposomal stuff!  dee
> On 18 Feb 2010, at 17:35, Alan Jones wrote:
> > I haven't tried this new source yet but I'm considering it, and I have
> the HF US cleaner.  This new C is about 30 cents per gram, and BB claims
> the homemade stuff is about 15 cents per gram.  BUT I believe he claims
> only 50-75 percent is encapsulated; if 50 percent then the pre-made stuff
> is a no-brainer.
> >
> > Alan
> >

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