Hi Judy:

Some of the top supplements you can use to fight Candida (there is plenty of 
research out there if Google the topics):

East Park Research Olive Leaf Extract (D Lenolate)

Fresh water Diatomaceous Earth (for the digestive system)

A high quality therapeutic edible clay (for the digestive system)

Plenty of quality probiotics (even up to three times daily)

Colloidal Silver

Plus, it is very important to reduce or eliminate fast burning sugars...  Try 
to eat foods that are low on the glycemic index.

Even for those people who aren't using medications that encourage Candida, who 
have acquired systemic candida infections, it can easily take a year to clear 
up with a concentrated effort.

Kind Regards,


----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Judy Harnett 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 09:52
  Subject: CS>Systemic Yeast Infection

  Thanx Sandy.  I checked out the link you forwarded, but did not find it very 
helpful as it concentrated mainly on vaginitis and thrush and yeast infection 
during pregnancy.  Those are not the problems I'm dealing with.  Because I am 
dealing with inhalants to treat my COPD, the infection centers around my vocal 
cords, esophagus, and the like, eventually causing me severe laryngitis.  It 
starts out with a horrible taste in my mouth and I know that it's time to take 
the fluconazole, which is losing it effectiveness.  There may not be an answer 
to my problem as long as I'm using these inhalant meds, but was hoping someone 
would know if using silver on a daily basis would at least keep it at bay.  So, 
if anyone has experience with it's use, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
