Neville Munn <> wrote:

  > Your snipped  quotes 1. "You need the strongest ionic  cs  you can
  > get." 2. "I usually take my 30uS SilverCell cs  sublingually, then
  > spit it out."

  > 1. One  can  achieve  that  by  using  conventional  equipment and
  > ingesting their home made product *immediately* after cessation of
  > production, definitely  consume it within 12 hours  cos  for every
  > hour it stands, ions will be lost.

  > 2. I  usually take my 15-18uS *immediately* upon cessation  of the
  > brewing process  {if/when I choose to} and simply  swallow  it. As
  > stated earlier, "to flood".

  > N.


  1. You will never reach or exceed 30uS with  conventional techniques
  that use high current density above 500uA per square inch, wire less
  than 12  ga  or flat sheet electrodes, and  straight  rods  or tight
  loops on the U-channel less than 1/2" wide, or stirring and polarity
  reversal techniques.

  These will restrict you to much less than 20uS, and most  likely you
  will remain  around 10uS to 12uS. This is not strong enough  to kill
  the most  difficult pathogens such as Herpes Simplex,  Herpes Zoster
  (2nd attack),  and obviously has little or no effect  on  H. Pylori,
  since that  is what the lady was using when she got  her  ulcer. You
  need the  strongest  cs you can make, and you cannot  make  it using
  conventional methods.

  2. You can store cs indefinitely. There should be less than 10% loss
  in conductivity when you place the cs in storage.

  If you are losing more than this after you place the cs  in storage,
  you have  serious  contamination  problems,  usually  due  to silver
  sulfide, Ag2S. This will disrupt the brewing process and  give false
  measurements on your pwt meter. You can use the Salt Test  to verify
  the ion concentration, since it is immune to contamination.

  Tarnish on silver is unavoidable due to numerous sources  of sulfur,
  such as automobile combustion, rubber material such as  tires stored
  in the garage or basement, lead acid car batteries,  fingerprints on
  the electrodes, and other sources too numerous to name. It was a big
  problem back in the middle ages when cars and rubber did  not exist,
  and it has just gotten worse since then.

  It is  extremely difficult to remove Ag2S from the electrodes.  I am
  trying different methods, such as desulfurization using  aluminum or
  titanium anodes.  I  appear  to  still  have  residual  or secondary
  contamination, so I do not recommend trying these techniques yet.

  You could also have contamination leaching from your cs generator or
  storage container.  One  of  the reasons  for  using  a borosilicate
  beaker is  it  has very little leaching.  Plain  soda-lime  can have
  significant leaching  problems that can disrupt the  brewing process
  and give false readings on a pwt. I store my cs in a clean Dasani or
  Aquafina bottle.  These  are made of PETE which  one  of  the lowest
  leaching plastics you can find.

  3. There  is no need to swallow an entire brew. If you  have  a high
  ion concentration,  say 30uS, you can use sublingual  absorption and
  spit it out after 12 minutes. This will give less than 27  parts per
  billion absorption  into the blood stream for a typical  male, which
  is all  that is needed for the immune system to do its job.  It will
  also mean  your cs will last longer, so you don't have to do  a brew
  as often. This will save you time.

  A tremendous  benefit  of  this technique is the  cs  will  kill the
  dental bacteria  that  cause gum disease and  tooth  decay.  It will
  penetrate the tartar and cause it to fall off. When it does, you can
  feel the hollow that the bacteria was making in your tooth.

  Using cs this way will reduce the number of visits to the dentist. I
  don't know  how much a vist costs in your area, but I used  to spend
  $270 to $300 each time. I no longer have this expense.

  That will pay for a lot of silver.


  Mike Monett

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