There is no freekin way that silver is going to "tarnish" without any source of Sulphur present.

Mike is "out to lunch" chasing fairies in selective cognition la la land.
If he actually catches one THEN maybe the cell will "work" the way he says it should.

..much like some already do, at least in part, even as he "says" they don't and those that USE them refute the negative claims.

Ignore enough facts, insert enough fantasies... and anything can be made true.

Clue:  "DC gen, Reverse Osmosis membrane filter"


  I also  monitor  the brew for contamination, and  am  apparently the
  only one  on the planet who pays any attention to  this  problem. It
  can be very severe. Most vendors of cs generators claim it  does not
  exist. They  must have some miracle cure for silver tarnish  that no
  one else knows about.

  I am having bad contamination issues at the moment that I  am having
  problems tracing, but you can see some of the data at my Yahoo forum

  I also  have  a  preliminary web site  that  discusses  some  of the
  advantages. It is at

  I posted brief instructions for you on how to build one at

  Please let me know if you have any more questions.


  Mike Monett

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