James Allison wrote:

> > James: There's a reasonable chance that the HVAC may also produce (along
> with
> > CS) structured water which could account for its efficacy at ~1 PPM or
> > perhaps lower. I think that's pretty exciting. So tell me what's bigger
> and
> > better than that?
> >
> > Roger
> I'm still out to lunch on the structured water, as I only have a very basic
> understanding of it.  From what I understand (and please correct me if I'm
> wrong), water in it's natural form, e.g. lakes, streams, rivers, etc., is
> structured water.  When we put pressure on it and run it through our
> plumbing, plus possibly when we add chlorine to it, we re-structure it into
> an unnatural formation (atom wise that is).
> If this is true, then there is a very simple way to restructure it
> naturally, and that is to take a pint, a gallon, a drum or whatever amount
> your heart desires, make sure it is in a clear container that has a wide
> mouth with no cover and set it in the sun for at least half an hour, and
> then either leave it in the sun or bring it out of the sun for another 6
> hours.  From what I understand, it's as simple as that.  I don't have the
> data that was used, because my ex-partner has it all, and he's the one that
> explained it to me.  Supposedly they've done extensive testing on it.
> What I do know is that for my own personal CS, I use distilled water that I
> have done the above process to, and I think it turns out a better brew.  I
> can't back it with the hard data, it's just a gut instinct, and a warm fuzzy
> feeling I get when I drink it :)

It is my understanding that water has many different possible structures.
Supposedly that is one theory of how homeopathics work, the water is structured
by what was added before dilution.

If steam distill water, and do not expose it to anything that will structure it,
including magnetic fields, then it is considered unstructured.

Magnetics, as well as a lot of other things can structure water, including
adding things and shaking it, ie. homeopathics.  Using a spectrophotometer I
have determined that totally unexpected things can structure water.  For
instance, I have put water over a magnet, various crystals, and near various
rings of metal that suppose to have healing powers, and have had people with
healing energy hold their hands over water.  In all cases, a change was easily
seen by the instrument.

And different items gave a different resonse, but I have no idea how to
interpret it.


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