FHLew wrote:

> Marshall Dudley  wrote:
>     You can't have a healthy mind in a sick body. Nutrition is
> not the entire solution, but it must be part of the entire solution. To have
> healthy minds, we must have healthy bodies. To have healthy bodies,we must
> make the

While I agree with most of what you write, I think that concept is rather
simplistic.  Mind is only one part of the equation.  For example I feel that
Mother Teresia had a very healthy mind, yet an unhealthy body. Many spirits
choose an unhealthy body as a learning experience.

>  To have healthy bodies,we must make the
> right food and lifestyle choices. It's that simple. If you can see the need
> for a healthier lifestyle and balanced food regimen in your life, you know
> the next step. You have to find out what you need to do. Wisdom is "putting
> feet" on knowledge. Knowledge comes from sitting at
> the feet of wisdom.
>               I have great respect for this world- renowned teacher of
> nutritional sciences - Dr. Bernard Jensen. He taught me that removing the
> few millimeters of the skin covering of the potato will lead to a  great
> loss of organic Potassium which is so essential for a healthy heart;

That is one reason I eat the whole potato whenever I can.

> that pouring away the supernatant whey in yogurt will lose  the organic
> Sodium which maintains and preserves youth
> and the egg-yolk if eaten raw or half-boiled but not fried,
> will not raise the cholesterol level,because it is balanced.
> Oriental herbalists taught me that the stems of Ma Huang,
> Joint Fir [ Ephedra Sinica ] are diaphoretic [ inducing or
> causing perspiration ] the roots are  anti-diaphoretic and the
> the combination is anti-asthmatic. Fragmented use of this
> plant will lead to adverse effects in fluid balance and yang energy.
>                   Humans depend on plant life for sustenance and health. The
> botanical  side of man  has need of stored up
> energy by the resonance of two different wave-lengths of
> light, the blue and the red, during photosynthesis. Hence,the energy in
> plant food is the photosynthetic equivalent of a musical chord.  Whether in
> humans or in plants, physiologically or abstractly, life is a melody. How
> could
> a part hear the Whole or a note, the Melody?

I agree with most everything you said, but it still did not answer the
question.  I asked how dividing a whole into parts, then eating all of them
could be less healthy than eating it without dividing.  Your response compares
with dividing and discarding some of the parts with the whole, a completely
different concept.


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