This looks wonderful,
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Tel Tofflemire []
  Sent: vrijdag 18 januari 2002 6:53
  Subject: Re: CS>questions: stir vs. bubble

  I Bubble my CS,,,,and I use a small room with an ozone clean air generator
in the room for a while with the door closed,  and make wonderful CS.
  Tel Tofflemire
  Phoenix, AZ
  Satchid wrote:

    Dear Connie,
    Apart from the quality or the speed of the CS, with a bubbler I think
    you bring in a lot of dust from the surroundings where you intake the
    into the air pump. Or am I wrong with that?


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Connie []
    Sent: donderdag 17 januari 2002 23:48
    To: silver- list
    Subject: CS>questions: stir vs. bubble

    I have the SG6-very happy with my generator.
    I have done some experiementing with the way I make my CS.

    I would like to compare my brew with stirring vs. bubbling and please
    comments as too the differences.

    I use a 64 fl. oz. coffee creamer container to make my CS.

    Some days...using the seems to take longer. Not observant
    to say why one day is different vs. another.

    Here are the comparisons of the last two batches made:

    --First brew:
    Stirred batch.
    Seeded, ppm per Hanna PWT 4ppm.
    I cleaned electrodes (with heavy build up) 3 x's during the brew.

    After 36 hours of generation...the ppm per Hanna was about 18ppm.
    light, indicating that the brew had not reached 20pppm (as dialed) was
    My stirred CS ALWAYS reads a lower number the next day, when retested.
    I will turn the generator back on, let it run again until the indicator
    light goes off.

    Allowed the brew to sit overnight. A lot of precipitate in the
    Did not bother to retest the ppm. ( I expected it to be lower than what
    measured the night before)
    I gave up on that brew...used it in the bathwater....

    --Second brew:
    Bubbled batch-stirrer removed.

    Seeded DW ppm at start 4ppm.
    10 hrs. later: indicator light off.
    I did not clean the electrodes at all.
    I shut down the generator.
    Did not test the ppm.
    left til this AM, testing ppm with Hanna, the ppm is 26ppm. (set at

    Some, but little precipitate....electrodes with little build up.

    My observed main points

    -bubbled CS consistently more stable after brew sits (ppm's do not fall
    one day to the next)
    -bubbled CS consistently has less build up on the electrodes, less
    precipitate in the container.
    -bubbled CS consistently able to achieve higher ppm (per Hanna)
    -occassionally will get pale yellow CS with stir, never with bubbled
    -consistently stirred CS will turn ashen with even minimal exposure to
    light, bubbled does not seem to (I have not specifically ''tested''
    -brew time for higher ppm's consistenly quicker with bubbler. (this case
    hours for less than 20ppm stirred vs. 10 hrs. for 26ppm bubbled)

    I have no clue why such a difference. I know Ole Bob you do not like the
    bubbler, I believe also Trem that you prefer stir....

    Could someone explain some of these differences for terms I
    and if bubbling is not good, why....when it appears to make a better


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