Why wouldn't nebulizing with CS be OK?  Each droplet of mist is saturated with 
CS.  If it will kill the pathogen in the lungs it will kill it in the droplet 
in the air so any mist breathed out would be sterile.  Or is this not the issue?

you wrote:
CS>A question for the scientifically inclined
From: C Creel (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 06:23:23 

Dear Scientifically Inclined List Mates ;-),

    Please search your brains.  Did I see somewhere that CS works on small
envelope proteins?

If so, where did I see it?  Dare I push this any further and ask about spike
glycoproteins, and the nucleocapside proteins?

   Also, since nebulizing CS would not be advisable with SARS what would the
options be to get CS to the lungs?

Thanks in advance for all responses.
