Well, I can tell you that from current precautions being taken, anything
that would aresolize in a SARS patient's room is being stopped.  i.e. no
hand washing inside the room.  Holding to the theory that the virus is the
cause, they are saying that it stays live on surfaces for 24 hours. Anything
that aresolizes could conceivably contaminate every surface in a patient's
room and increase the possibility of transmission to care givers.  Even the
other day orders came through on patients' charts not to do chest
percussions or 'cupping'  for chest physio.  SARS makes for a dry cough but
other types of pneumonia are not dry and require chest physio. Even now, we
are double gowning, double gloving, double masking, full face shields,
microsan hand wash between phases of removal of layer inside and outside the
door.  Patients are all in negative pressure rooms.


----- Original Message -----
From: "sol" <pcar...@wyoming.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: CS>A question for the scientifically inclined

> I missed something though I thought I had been following this thread.
> Why is it not advisable to nebulize CS for SARS?
> paula

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