
Are you not worried about the thyrogenic effects of cruciferous veggies
like broccoli. They are well know to suppress thyroid function when fed
regularly in sufficient quantity.


On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 03:18, M. G. Devour wrote:
> Nenah writes:
> > ... I feed my dogs hormone-free meats and organ meats,
> > mostly raw, with mostly raw veggies chopped up very fine in the food
> > processor. They get lots of broccoli and some starchy veggies like
> > carrot. Never wheat or other glutenous grains, but sometimes rice,
> > millet and buckwheat. Sometimes full-fat yogurt for the intestinal
> > flora. And always Transfer Factor to strengthen the immune response, and
> > Super Greens for the concentrated veggies and chlorophyll.
> Gee, can I come live at your house, Nenah?
> <GRIN>
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [                        ]
> [Speaking only for myself...               ]
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