So if a no meat diet is so great and can save a person from cancer how come I got so sick on it? The metabolic typing diet book explains that to me very clearly. I am getting much better having gone back to meat-eating. The kind and type of meat is important though. I don't eat hotdogs and lunch meats and bologna and that sort of junk. Sugar I utterly agree about though. In fact, my belief is that giving up sugar is the most critical part of your program. Far more important than giving up meat. Your blanket statement that meat makes even healthy people sick is just not true, as a flat statement. Some meats, some people, if they are not suited metabolically to a high protein high animal product diet, would be true for some people. But not all, and not true for me. Beyond this, I don't want to argue about it, feeling better is feeling better, though, and my blood lipid profiles have improved amazingly, so I'm not going back to vegetarianism/veganism. I don't want to feel that bad again.

John Rigby wrote:

. The single most critical one is to give up meat. It even makes healthy people sick. Of course, it goes without saying that sugar is right up there with it.

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