What I'd like to see, and probably never will is a diet study where
all sugar and refined foods are eliminated. This part of John's beliefs
I agree with. But allowing meat. After 40 years of interest in nutrition
and human evolution, and the evolution of agriculture, I personally
believe sugar and refined white foods, but especially sugar is the main
culprit (along with the comparatively recent transfats). However it
seems to be an article of faith that a sugarless, transfats less, and no
refined foods diet must necessarily be a meatless dies as well.
So far, I have only one person to experiment on. Myself. The
metabolic typing diet information so far *fits* my history and
experience the best. But I am also looking into the blood type issue. I
have the book and a blood typing kit, what I don't have is the nerve to
poke my finger to type my blood. Ridiculous, but there it is. It sits
there, because I'm too chicken for a finger-stick. Embarrassing.
My entire philosophy of eating as well as all things regarding health
whether conventional or alternative is that everything works for
somebody, nothing works for everybody.
I got a kick out of your statement that fruit clears the system in 15
minutes, I'm sure I can beat that time by several minutes!
Joking aside, pulse tests, and kinesiology can also be used to help
determine what one's body needs.
Joy wrote:
Fruits never to be eaten with any other kind of food - though if you
eat the fruit first, takes only 15 minutes for it to clear through
your system enough to eat somethign else. Grains and veggies are
fine to eat together.
I guess what I'm getting at is there are so so many variables in this
equation, and your approach is like a fundamentalist preacher, here is
truth, and you're damned if you don't "believe". In my experience,
each of us is able to pay attention to our own bodies and "hear" what
it is we are needing at any given time, and that equation varies and
evolves for many of us. Imposing something out of a "true belief' in
one set of research or another can often be the MOST damaging thing
one can do. Joy
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