At 10:56 PM 12/11/04, you wrote:
On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 21:09, John Rigby wrote:

> BTW: People who live in totally hostile environments like Siberia have no
> choice but to eat meat. But they carefully eat everything in the intestines
> of the beasts, too (ugh!  Like Haggis! Sorry, Donald)
> But you ought to see what they go thru to keep being able to crap!
Uh what would that be John? Enemas? What is so bad / difficult about
that. Add a bit of fresh urine, some green coffee, H202 or your whatever
your favorite substance is and well you have quite a beneficial health


Hi Garnet,
You really don't want to know................ and nobody would believe it. They actually know what their diet does to them. But as they say, that's the price they pay to live in their paradise......( true!) :-)

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