John - though you are clearly well-intended, your insistence that there is "A" truth about diet and meat is just nonsense. There are studies up the wazoo on both, actually on many sides of this issue, and you can find and site the ones that fit your point of view, and insist on that as truth - which it seems to be FOR YOU, or you can acknowledge that not all human beings and all human bodies are alike, and each needs to find what works best for them. There are people who absolutely need meat to be healthy. There are many people who are much healthier without it, and many people who can manage fine without it but for whom its not a horrendous thing. I would agree that it is hard to come upon healthful meat, if you can't grow/tend/feed it yourself and know what you're eating. Just as is also the case with all fruits and vegetables and grains. Even if you grow them yourselves you can't prevent contamination from air and rain. One factor not taken into consideration in some of the studies you mention exist in regards to meat is that part of the problem is what combinations of food you eat. If you eat meat only alone or in combination with raw veggies, never with grains or starches or fruits, it is much more easily digested by many folks. Need about six hours between eating meat and any form of grain or starch or fruit. Fruits never to be eaten with any other kind of food - though if you eat the fruit first, takes only 15 minutes for it to clear through your system enough to eat somethign else. Grains and veggies are fine to eat together. I guess what I'm getting at is there are so so many variables in this equation, and your approach is like a fundamentalist preacher, here is truth, and you're damned if you don't "believe". In my experience, each of us is able to pay attention to our own bodies and "hear" what it is we are needing at any given time, and that equation varies and evolves for many of us. Imposing something out of a "true belief' in one set of research or another can often be the MOST damaging thing one can do. Joy

John Rigby wrote:

At 05:29 PM 11/11/04, you wrote:

So if a no meat diet is so great and can save a person from cancer how come I got so sick on it?

Well, you didn't get sick on it, Sol, you either were quite sick and underwent a "Healing Crisis" or "Herx Effect " as some people call it , (a very well known result of obese people losing weight too quickly) - or you were eating incorrectly. It isn't a theory or hypothesis, we are talking about a fact documented over literally thousands of years.
The big problem is -as usual - bum advice. :-)

If you eat meat - of any kind in any state - you superstress your body. It is fibreless and compacts fantastically. People who have not eaten meat for literally months and who undergo a Colema ( a high-end flush of the colon) regularly produce masses of a dreadful compacted black car-tyre looking stuff that turns out to be .......... that last great steak the night before they were given a prognosis of impending unpleasant death. I did.

Actually, if you did enough exercise in catching say a cat or a rabbit or small dog or something and killed it quickly while you were *both* flushed with the superchemicals of the chase and ate it full of blood, raw and warm, you can get away with it. So long as you don't do it too often. Me? I'll pass thanks! :-)

The big trick today, is finding food that is safe to eat. Meat would be last on the list even if they did let you catch and kill it yourself. It is a toxic timebomb. There is a famous story about the development of the first long-life Orange developed in California. All they had to do was get rid of the Vitamin C and they were made. It has no vitamins, so no enzyme activity, so doesn't rot for weeks! A triumph! millions of mothers all over the world make sure that their kids get fresh oranges/juice every single day........ no food, but a pretty thing.

It was always a big problem for our Cancervivors, most of whom already had enough problems in other areas. To have to switch to eating real, fresh food was a big chore. Think about making a simple soup at home compared to throwing a whole plastic bag straight in the Microwave and pulling it out in a few minutes and pouring it into a bowl.
No microwaved anything!
No processed anything! ( Not even "healthy" Chinese - full of MSG)
No comfort foods at all - no chokkies, twinkies, tacos.

They were/are all taught to grow sprouts. Straight away they save $100 p.m. on "vitamin" pills and "supplements". Make their own Buttermilk/yoghurt. ( No more smoothies or other cream products)

Complicate food combining that often didn't seem to make sense and broke all the rules they knew. AND boy, is it boring after cheesecake, Macktuckey, nights at the restaurant, strong coffee, ice cream desserts.....

How did we talk them into it?
Easy! They were gonna DIE!    Much harder for you to do it.
Still, within a few weeks when they could go to the toot without bleeding or pain or strain ( we taught them to go "native style from day 1 - it helps). Wish I'd known about CS in them days! We banned everything except Tea Tree Oil. Can give DMSO a run for the money on smell! :-) But soon all of their list began to diminish: migraine, thrush, piles, blurry vision, St Vitus dance, allergies, sinusitus, shingles, oh yes, nearly forgot - their Cancer.
About then is a danger point:
Everyone feels great. Cured! A miracle! They want to go back to doing what gave them their Cancer in the first place!
The Ice cream, the booze, the coffee, the cakes, ... their meat.
Luckily after a few months without sugar and "sick" salt, their big steak is SUCH a disappointment. I know. :-( The coffee tastes "wrong", the cream cakes make them gag, a booze is instant migraine/sinus/ chocolate makes them edgy at once.

The extraordinary thing is I very personally know of hundreds of people who forced themselves to "fit back in" to the social life, got addicted again and were dead before the latest turkey/roast/ham/steak could finally be expelled 6 months later.

I have to go

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