about 20 years ago I began having headaches that emanated from my teeth. At 
that time I went to two dentist who told me it was in my head. (I actually 
agree, it was in my head). One even went so far as to recommend psychiatric 
treatment, telling me I was imagining it. I lived with it for a while longer 
and decided I was having a valid experience of a pain coming from my teeth to 
my  head. I then went and had my fillings removed and a process called gold 
foil done. It's repeated layering of gold. I only wish I had known more about 
the hazards of Amalgam. While a dam was used I don't think any other 
precautions where used. A year after I  had all the Amalgam removed 20/20 ran 
the first report on the dangers of mercury based fillings. 
Recently I came across a web site of a dental organization specializing in 
removal of amalgam and called concerned about the use of gold foil fillings. I 
was told that they are the preferred filling. I haven't had any difficulties 
with them, but since I did all of this based on my personal experience before 
this Amalgam issue was well known. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Marshall Dudley 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 12:52 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>mercury and silver

  Rowena wrote: 
    "So what's in gold fillings, I wonder - besides gold?

  I don't think there is a gold filling material, at least I have never heard 
of it, and have never seen it. 

  Are you thinking of what they make crowns and caps out of? 
