> Your bullying techniques won't work on me.

I'm afraid the aggression is getting going both ways and needs to stop 
now. It's time to cool down.

Looking back over your questions now and a few weeks back, Angel, I can 
see that you've worked hard to try to get what you want.

I honestly can't shake the worry that you're being betrayed by some 
weird measurement issue. Do you realize how much CS you'd have to make 
to visibly thin out a set of electrodes if it's only a few ppm?

Here's an idea:

Can you or anyone you know use a pair of machinist's calipers or a 
micrometer to measure the diameter of your wire electrodes for us?

With a good measurement, accurate to the nearest thousanth of an inch 
or so, we could calculate the approximate weight of silver that has 
gone into your water. If you also know the number of batches you've 
made or the number of gallons of water you've used, we'd have a back-of-
the-envelope figure for the average concentration you've been 

If this issue is going to be resolved, rather than abandoned, we *must* 
have a way to cross-check your concentration measurements. My 
suggestion at least has the benefit of being cheap to do!

These guys are right about a couple of things, for sure: If the silver 
is gone from the electrodes then it has to have gone somewhere. If you 
can't see where it went in the form of deposits on the glass or fluffy 
bits on the electrodes, then the only place it could have gone was into 
the water. 

If it is topping out at 4 ppm that should show up. If the problem *is* 
with the measurement tool it would be good for you to find that out 
before you invest more of your money, time and energy in another 

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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