On Jan 28, 2008 7:16 AM, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gudrun: I think this is not about
> intelligence, but it is about our mind being inter-dependent (also via
> evolution) with senses and body.
> Sorry, I've lost a subsequent post in which you went on to say that the very
> terms "mind" and "body" in this context were splitting up something that
> can't be split up. Would you (or anyone else) like to discurse - riff - on
> that? However casually...
> The background for me is this:  there is a great, untrumpeted revolution
> going on, which is called Embodied Cognitive Science.

"embodied cognitive science" gets 5,310 hits on Google. "cognitive
science" gets 2,730,000 hits. Please back up your statements,
especially ones which talk about "revolutions" in any field.

> See Wiki. That is all
> founded on the idea of the "embodied mind".

"embodied cognitive science" gets 520 hits on Google Scholar, as
compared to 296,000 for "cognitive science". Many individual
researchers have published more papers than this (Euler and Erdos come
to mind).

> Cognitive science is based on
> the idea that thought is a program - which can in principle be instantiated
> on any computational machine - and is a science founded on AI/ computers.
> Embodied cog sci is Cog Sci Stage 2

Please stop posting audacious claims without any evidence. Cog sci is
a huge field, with thousands of full-time researchers worldwide.

> and is based on the idea that thought is
> a brain-and-body affair - and cannot take place without both

Please stop posting audacious claims without any evidence.

> - and is a
> science founded on robotics.

Name one case when attaching a robotic apparatus (of any sort) to a
computer gave it additional intellectual capacity.

> But the whole terminology of this new science - "embodied mind" - is still
> lopsided, still unduly deferential - and needs to be replaced. So I'm
> interested in any thoughts related to this, however rough.
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