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Organization: SipXecs Forum
X-FUDforum: 08063afcdd00a6e76393c5b9527381e8 <45211>
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Hi All,

I have been testing the new vmail system in 4.2 and had a
few queries:

1/ I saw on the feature list that the admin is sent an email
 report each day showing voicemail storage utilisation.  Is
this just sent to the root account on the server or is the
address configurable? If so, where?

2/ Calls diverted to voicemail have 'CLI label' of IVR IVR -
is this configurable anywhere?

3/ Currently our phones are configured with a voicemail
pilot number, so if a call isnt answered the call is
diverted to the pilot number.  The voicemail system then
reads the CLI of the 'forwarding number' and drops the call
into the correct voicemail box.  This didnt work in sipx. 
The only way I was able to get the voicemail redirect to
work was by dialing the extension and prefixing with 8. 
This is slightly inconvenient as it would add extra time to
setting up each user.

Many Thanks

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