From: sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org 
[sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Gerald Harper 

Several people have mentioned that yes, it would be nice to have some
diagnostic tools built into sipxecs, but instead of talking about that
everyone wants to jump all over someone for not taking snapshots. Trust me
when the boss is standing behind you wondering why he can't make a call the
last thing any admin worth his salt would be worried about is taking a
snapshot, its all about making the damn thing work. Besides I can't tell you
how many times I have had a snapshot of a problem only to be told it did not
capture the issue.

Actually, the *entire* suite of diagnostic tools that Avaya people use for 
commercial customers is included in the open-source distribution:  
sipx-snapshot, merge-logs, sipviewer, sipx-response-correlator, etc.  Some 
problems can be diagnosed by their symptoms, but many can't.  Unfortunately, in 
the latter case, we don't know of a way to diagnose them that doesn't require a 
person who is intimately familiar with much of the internals of sipXecs.  The 
tools can make a clear display of the messages in a call, but we've never been 
able to figure out a way to automatically point out the message where the 
failure appears, or to track the error in that message back to the original 

Seriously, I'm one of the sipXecs developers, and I've done customer support 
for 4 years, and the fastest course to get an ugly problem solved always starts 
with the admin reproducing the problem, getting a good snapshot of it, and 
sending it to us.  (And you'd be surprised how often we have to yell that to a 
customer before they take snapshots reflexively rather than sending us an 
e-mail that contains nowhere near enough information, to which we have to 
respond "Send us a snapshot", thus delaying the diagnosis by approximately a 
day.  And these are people *paying* for support, mind you!)

If you know of any way that one might build an "expert system" that could do 
this diagnosis directly at the request of the administrator, rather than 
requiring a trained support person, please tell us about it.  After all, in the 
open source business, one makes money by selling support contracts and not 
having the customer call you.  But from where I stand, a tool that would 
diagnose messy sipXecs problems without expert human intervention sounds 
suspiciously like the Turing test.

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