On 08/18/2010 12:18 PM, Douglas Hubler wrote:
>  In your case, you
> need PAI to be ITSP registration info and From to original caller.
> Did I get that right?
Yes.  That is correct.
> Anyway, I'll have a fix maybe today but definitely this week. Heather
> can I give you an RPM to try before I publish to official repo?
Yes.  That is fine.  I have been given the go ahead to set up a second
testing environment for that very purpose.

Heather L. Sanders
Linux Systems Administrator
Saginaw Valley State University
7400 Bay Road
374 Wickes Hall
University Center, MI 48710
Office: (989) 964-2156
Mobile: (989) 326-3300
Email: hlsan...@svsu.edu
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