On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Michael Scheidell wrote:

> can't use pfsense.. it actually doesn't do what you want it to do.

If this is true, I'm disappointed to hear this. I've read and been told on
more than one occasion that pfSense is basically one of the better routers
to use with sipXecs. Based on this, I invested some time trying to learn
about it and set it up. I just set up the pfSense firewall less than two
weeks ago and now find out that it can't handle this scenario. I'm not angry
or blaming anyone, as I know it would be difficult to foresee this issue.
I'm just disappointed that I spent time on this which may be for nothing.

I guess the option of using IP based authentication is out for now, as I
don't have time to investigate another firewall that may be able to handle
this. The option to switch to a different ITSP is limited, as there are only
so many that offer DIDs in Toronto with LNP, where two of the higher rated
ones (VoIP.ms and CallCentric) seem to have some incompatibilities with my
current set up (with pfSense and/or sipXecs).

I'll continue to investigate the dropped call issue and hopefully will be
able to find some way to get this to work reliably again. Since the dropped
call issue only recently started happening, I'm hoping that a resolution
will be found without making major changes.
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