> I heard that this was now off the table.  I also heard that all scripts
> (whether mono or LSL) will be counted as
> taking 64K.  Does anyone know the facts?

Babbage's office hours on the 16th said they're thinking of imposing a
penalty for using LSO scripts, such as giving them a memory multiplier
for accounting. But as of that last meeting, they haven't decided for
sure yet. The goal of such a choice would be to encourage people to
move to Mono, so they could eventually stop supporting two VMs. As
mentioned elsewhere, you'll be able to specify how much memory you
want, like 4kb or a meg, so at least the 16k LSO footprint won't be
claimable as a reason to use it.

As for everything else -- it's ideas on the table. There will be
adequate time for us to dispute what will and won't work, and what's
the best way to do it, after they release the tools for us to see
what's actually going on so we can make informed decisions. I think
all the major ideas on how it could be arranged have been spoken for,
and I'm not sure which one LL is preferring at this point.

Since they said they'll be looking for user input after the tools are
out, I'm pretty sure everything LL says is ideas and plans, but not
paved walkways.

I'm just looking forward to my llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(). Soooooo
delicious nom nom nom.

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