When using high AA samples (which is necessary for DOF or motion blur) I
believe you can pretty much keep diffuse samples down to 1 or 2. You have
to oversample a lot for the DOF, and this AA oversampling takes care of
diffuse areas as well. Also, for this scene with the large windows you may
get away with 2 or 3 bounces.

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 8:26 PM, Toonafish <ron...@toonafish.nl> wrote:

>  scene file : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4271217/Arnold_Classroom.rar
> I'm rendering on a 6 core i7 3930 overclocked to 4 Ghz, so Arnold is using
> 12 threads. With AA set lower the DOF is very noisy. But you're right,
> maybe I could lower the diffuse samples a little.
> - Ronald

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