
I never understood why I could not drag and drop attributes from the Channel 
editor or Attribute Editor directly  into the expression editor. This kind of 
ease of use is critical but ignored.

How weird is this example:

1.       I CANNOT drag the attribute OR the value from the Channel Editor to 
Expression editor

2.       I CANNOT drag the attribute from the Attribute editor to Expression 
Editor.  ( I can't even select the attribute here but I can in the Channel 

3.       I CAN drag the value from the Attribute editor to Expression Editor!

Where is the consistency? Where is the ability to have reasonable expectations 
of follow-through in interface behavior? Why am I not permitted to anticipate 
behavior in the interface? You do something in one place and expect you can do 
it elsewhere and can't, you quit trying and are always asking the question 
"what is the context here?" ..no not that but this,...no not this but that...., 
because the context and behavior works in some places and not in others. It's 
disturbingly incongruent.

It's like this all over the application.

Joey Ponthieux
Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.

From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com 
[mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Martin Yara
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:23 AM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: humanize maya, SOFT top 5

Consinstency. Maya feels like a collection of tools. Every tool work different, 
like being the target the last object or the first object. In SI we had more 
uniformity in this aspect so we could get used quite quickly to any new tool.
A simple example, in SI you hide objects with H. Do the same with components 
and you hide components. In Maya well, you don't, you have to learn how to deal 
with objects and components separately.

Drag & Drop, simple aritmetic functions in the numerical input boxes, camera 
roll hotkey, duplicate-extrude, memo cameras, repeat middle click, edit 
multiple ppgs, link ppgs attributes with drag & drop, etc. All those little 
things that made SI so easy and fast to work with. SI feels like they were 
actually thinking in a effective, easy and fast workflow. Maya is just a bunch 
of tools and icons spread all over shelves, menus and submenus, and more tabs 
and tabs under them.

Keyboard remapping a little more user friendly. Right now, It is quite a mess 
to search commands. SI wasn't perfect either in this aspect but it was far 
better in the GUI. I still don't know how to search custom commands in the 
Hotkey Editor, you can't can you? I've always created a new user command that 
called a custom command(script) so I can assign this to a key.

Something similar to the MCP panel with Transform, Reference Planes etc. to be 
able to manipulate subcomponents with precision on the fly. And/or do something 
with that obsolete Component Editor.

Alternative Keyboard option or remap navigation tool option for lefties. I'm 
not a lefty by the way.

I really don't care too much about icons and text. Text is better for me too, 
but the point isn't making Maya look exactly like Softimage.
Besides, you have text all over the menus (almost every icon has its text 
version in the menus), every icon displays a command name in the status bar 
when you put the mouse over them, and a lot of them have a description pop up.


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