multiplyDivide node can do power.

On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Eric Turman <> wrote:

> I'm porting over some of my core rig components. when I hit a brick wall...
> Maya having no exponent or power nodes?!?!
> Sure I could roll my own in C++ if my C++ code-fu was strong enough or use
> one of the plugins that have already been compiled.
> The problems are:
> 1) I can not require a client to figure out how to install a plugin in
> order for a rig to work
> 2) None of these plugins that I can find have been compiled for Maya 2015
> Maya's expressions are too slow to evaluate. Does anyone have any
> suggestions of how I can get around this in the node editor without
> resorting to a plugin?
> I swear, the "brilliant" mastermind behind EOLing Softimage deserves
> several sharp kicks in the yarbles >.<
> -=Eric
> --
> -=T=-

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