Rigging should not exist in a perfect world, how is hat for a controversial 



> On 26 Feb 2015, at 23:28, Raffaele Fragapane <raffsxsil...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
> Animators themselves are probably the ones crippling the rigging paradigm, 
> not the other way around ;) That's half the reason.
> The other half is that 90% of TDs out there who would struggle to find their 
> arse with both hands tied behind their back and an anatomical atlas open on 
> the Gluteus Maximus page taped to their face.
> Maya, in small part, is responsible for having formed that generation of 
> hacks with MEL and a number of other factors, but all in all I strongly 
> believe the people are to blame for the state of things, not the software 
> houses.
> There is no user base more resistant to change in the whole industry that 
> I've ever seen than the coupling of animators and "riggers" who think 
> scripting a blend is the height of technical achievement.
> Here's my controversial statement for the month, just in time for the end of 
> it ;)
> On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 8:44 PM, Jordi Bares Dominguez <jordiba...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:jordiba...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> The whole rigging paradigm is simply crippling animators and pimping it does 
> not really help, this part of our workflow should change massively and I see 
> akeytsu as the the first of many to come.
> It is insanity the level of micromanagement required to build a human rig, it 
> is time for packages to provide such primitive objects and be able to play 
> like lego with them.
> The fact that some rigging TD uses M

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