I have asked that question of si-community a few times. How with all of the 
advances in the last 10 years we are still stuck with the same method, with a 
bit more polish and a few more tools.

From: Jordi Bares Dominguez [jordiba...@gmail.com]
Sent: 27 February 2015 12:11 PM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: akeytsu animation software demo

Rigging should not exist in a perfect world, how is hat for a controversial 



On 26 Feb 2015, at 23:28, Raffaele Fragapane 
<raffsxsil...@googlemail.com<mailto:raffsxsil...@googlemail.com>> wrote:

Animators themselves are probably the ones crippling the rigging paradigm, not 
the other way around ;) That's half the reason.
The other half is that 90% of TDs out there who would struggle to find their 
arse with both hands tied behind their back and an anatomical atlas open on the 
Gluteus Maximus page taped to their face.

Maya, in small part, is responsible for having formed that generation of hacks 
with MEL and a number of other factors, but all in all I strongly believe the 
people are to blame for the state of things, not the software houses.

There is no user base more resistant to change in the whole industry that I've 
ever seen than the coupling of animators and "riggers" who think scripting a 
blend is the height of technical achievement.

Here's my controversial statement for the month, just in time for the end of it 

On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 8:44 PM, Jordi Bares Dominguez 
<jordiba...@gmail.com<mailto:jordiba...@gmail.com>> wrote:
The whole rigging paradigm is simply crippling animators and pimping it does 
not really help, this part of our workflow should change massively and I see 
akeytsu as the the first of many to come.

It is insanity the level of micromanagement required to build a human rig, it 
is time for packages to provide such primitive objects and be able to play like 
lego with them.

The fact that some rigging TD uses M

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