Rather watch this.
It makes more sense.
On 04/11/2015 18:13, Sebastien Sterling wrote:
This is actually quite sickening to watch, but cheers Francois, at least we know what we are dealing with.

On 4 November 2015 at 15:46, Francois Lord < <>> wrote:

    Does this help?

    On 2015-11-04 09:34, Byron Nash wrote:

        I'm trying to get some objects zero-ed out in Maya but keep
        running into what I assume is a paradigm difference between
        how Maya and Soft handle center points and transforms. In
        Soft, I can move the center/pivot and it will change the
        transform values. So, I can reset the center to be in the
        middle of the geometry and then zero the position to get the
        object to snap back to the world center or parent center. In
        Maya, moving the pivot does not seem to change the transform
        of the object when you move the pivot. So I can't then zero
        the values and get the objects to return to zero. Sometimes,
        the object and it's center are clearly NOT at zero but that's
        what the values say. There are some Local Space/World space
        values in the attribute editor, but I can't figure out how to
        get things reset properly.

        Any help from a Softimage perspective is appreciated.

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