And with an environment shader, you can even use a ray switch to choose 
different colors for refraction and transparency.
(you might need to turn on the sprite mode transparency in my shaders)
Holger Schönberger
technical director
The day has 24 hours, if that does not suffice, I will take the night



From: Schoenberger [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 11:46 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Arnold shaders, interactive oppacity on Alpha?

>No alpha on arnold. What?!
No option in the shader to choose color+alpha if the refraction depth hits the 
limit or if the ray leaves the scene.
In SI+ MRay, you can set an environment shader per object or pass to set the 
color+alpha, which is by default 0/0/0/0.
Holger Schönberger
technical director
The day has 24 hours, if that does not suffice, I will take the night

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