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Hello Felipe,

Felipe Lessa wrote:
> Hi,
> See section 6 of http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html, which says
> "You may convey a covered work in object code form [...] provided
> that you also convey the machine-readable Corresponding Source under
> the terms of this License[...]". The GPL doesn't obligates you to
> distribute your code to everyone who wants it, but it obligates you
> to distribute it everyone who *uses* it (be it in compiled form).

Felipe, this is not really relevant, because it will not get triggered.
Imagine a hypothetical situation of a company X, that is using a hacked
up version of Soya3D (or another GPL-licensed code) internally. You, as
an employee, cannot just take this code and release it to the wild,
based on the fact that the GPL of the original code should allow it. You
are not the copyright holder of the modified code, typically - the
company is. Whether or not the code is GPL-derived, whether or not the
company has complied with the GPL itself and is legally clear is not
relevant. You still cannot release somebody else's code without
permission - how do you know that the company *intended* the code to be
GPL-ed? You would open yourself to a swift termination and a lawsuit if
you did this, especially, if the GPL-ed portion of code was added
without the management knowing/approving.

This is why one typically needs a written permission to release anything
of this sort. E.g. at the university I worked before, the policy was
that all code written while working there was university property and I
had to seek a written permission to be allowed to release it - even if
it was originally GPL-derived (I got the permission, BTW). As an
employee, you would be a fool to go against this - if the company
doesn't allow you to comply with the GPL obligations, it becomes their
problem and you are off the hook as an individual.

Whether GPL conditions really apply with regards to distribution of the
application to own employees, I am not sure - that would probably depend
on the definition of "distribution" and that is likely quite different
in US, in France and in the rest of the world. Usually, you need to
distribute to 3rd-parties/public for the distribution clause to be
triggered, but I am not a lawyer and even if I was, my jurisdiction is
very likely quite different from yours. Any how, it would be very
dangerous to make any assumptions about being allowed to distribute some
company code on this.

> They say 'To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that 
> enables other parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction
> with a user through a computer network, with no transfer of a copy,
> is not conveying.' For me, this means that using a site doesn't
> trigger your rights with the source, but using the binaries does.
> Say, if I use an application that is linked with GPLed software, then
> it must be GPLed too and I must have access to its source.

This may not apply within a company, see above. The idea is that company
is a legal entity as itself, it doesn't really matter what happens
inside. However, again, I am not a lawyer ...

> I do not think the license depends on the distribution. If you use 
> GPLed code, then your code must have the same freedoms the GPL gives 
> no matter what you do to your code -- be it a small program you used 
> once and threw away or the ERP of a Big Company (TM) or a free 
> software game made on the free time of a nice hacker.

Actually, this is wrong. GPL (and copyright in general) *DOES* depend on
distribution, not use. Copyright doesn't cover use at all (that's why
internal use of hacked GPL code without releasing source is legal!),
only "making copies" - i.e. distribution. GPL (and any other license,
even Windows EULA) are triggered only by the act of distribution. That
is why you need to "agree" with Windows EULA and do not need to do that
with GPL. With the EULA you need to agree with the click-wrap to give
away some freedoms you have by default and that the copyright law
doesn't cover (e.g. reverse engineering). It is more a contract than a
license, actually.

GPL doesn't need this, because  it doesn't try to control use of the
product, only distribution and actually gives you more rights than the
copyright law alone - e.g. the right to re-distribute. If you do not
agree with GPL terms, you have no right to distribute the product, but
the use is not restricted in any way - the copyright law doesn't cover use.

Now what exactly is considered "distribution" is another story.

Here is material from gnu.org on this

> Q: Does the GPL require that source code of modified versions be posted
> to the public? 

> A: The GPL does not require you to release your modified
> version. You are free to make modifications and use them privately,
> without ever releasing them. This applies to organizations (including
> companies), too; an organization can make a modified version and use
> it internally without ever releasing it outside the organization.
> But if you release the modified version to the public in some way,
> the GPL requires you to make the modified source code available to
> the program's users, under the GPL.
> Thus, the GPL gives permission to release the modified program in
> certain ways, and not in other ways; but the decision of whether to
> release it is up to you.



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